Saturday, January 31, 2015

New year, new start

The Feast will begin our spring term Friday, February 6 at 11:30 at Veterans park in Hoover.

We will meet in the new pavilion and then begin with music class.  In February we will be memorizing Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost.  We will continue our so fa singing and improvisation. Our folk song for this term will be The Keeper and our hymn for February will be Jesus Paid it All.  If you have time, try to sing through both songs and read through the poem in your weekly activities so that you and the children will be familiar with them in class.  We will also work on rhythm and learning about instruments.

Please sit alongside your children if possible during music class so that you can interact with them and learn with them.  They will get the most out of class this way.

After music class we will begin our handicraft.  For this term, we will be doing a paper folding craft called Sloyd.  Next week we will be making envelopes and cards for Valentine's day.  The point of Sloyd is strengthening the eye and hand as well as preparing for geometric concepts.

We will have picnic lunch after music and handicraft.  This is when the children enjoy playing together on the playground.  Often a football game forms on the big field behind the pavilion after lunch.

Children fourth grade and older then meet to read and narrate their Plutarch study for the term while the younger kids continue to play.

If you have any questions, our contact information has changed.  Please contact me at